Registrar and Transfer Agents Services

Registrar and Transfer Agents
We are SEBI registered, Category-1 Registrar and Share Transfer Agents. We offer complete, integrated execution of transfer agent and share registry services, including recordkeeping, dividend disbursement, annual meeting services, and high-touch management of shareholder relationships.

Being an ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certified company, we protect the integrity of critical shareholder data, provide the industry’s leading management resources, and ensure that the highest quality operational processes yield tangible financial benefits.
RTA Services
Online ISIN Creation
Obtain an ISIN for your securities and dematerialise the same seamlessly using our proprietary online platform.

Rule 9B of the Allotment Rules requires every private company, excluding small companies as of March 31, 2023, to convert all shares to dematerialized form by September 30, 2024. Make this transition effortlessly with SKI Capital Services Limited, your premier partner with compliance, registered with SEBI as Category I RTA & Category I Merchant Banker In-house Depository both NSDL & CDSL.

Pursuant to Rule-9A of Companies (Prospectus and allotment of Securities) Rules, 2014, unlisted companies are required to file the Form PAS-6 (Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report) on half yearly basis. Further, Section 7 of The Companies (Amendment) Act, 2019 require that the securities shall be held or transferred only in dematerialised form. Accordingly, unlisted companies are required to secure International security Identification Number (ISIN) for each type of security and facilitate dematerialisation of all its existing securities.

Our team will ensure end-to-end transaction processing experience without any need for you to co-ordinate with depositories separately.
Click here to apply for an ISIN and dematerialise your securities online.
Transfer Agent and Corporate Action Services
We provide end-to-end public and private transfer and registry services, underscored by flawless shareholder experience. Our team of professionals, including CAs, CS’, CFAs, and Lawyers, advise processing and support for corporate actions, including M&As, IPOs, and stock splits

Our RTA services include providing solutions for:
Green ArrowReconciliation of data shareholder from the Depositories
Green ArrowProcessing of Demat/Rematrequests from the Depository Participants
Green ArrowMaintain backup of data as required by depositories
Green ArrowRegistering and processing power of attorney/ECS mandate/ nomination /change of address
Green ArrowPayment and reconciliation of Dividends and other cash corporate actions
Green ArrowSettlement of shareholder queries and gradiences
Our e-Voting solution aims to improve transparency and Corporate Governance standards, helping the clients reduce their administrative and operational cost associated with Postal Ballot. The solution also helps in facilitating immediate declaration of results post the closure of the voting event. Further, investors are also benefited as they can cast their votes on till last day from the comfort of their home/office, while eliminating the chances of their votes being declared invalid

This simple and accessible voter experience has shown to eventually increase voter engagement and turnout.
Depository Services
SKI has been servicing as a SEBI registered Depository Participant for more than two decades, having served more than 50k+ beneficial owners. We have online connectivity with both NSDL and CDSL, helping the shareholders and beneficial owners complete their entire onboarding and demat journey efficiently and effectively.

Services as a Depository Participant
Green ArrowDematerialising / Converting physical shares into electronic format
Green ArrowSecurely facilitate transactions and trade transfers
Green ArrowMaintain the record related to ownership and pledging of shares
Green ArrowEnsuring investments are held electronically are safe and secure
Green ArrowSecurely facilitate transactions and trade transfers
Green ArrowMaintain the record related to ownership and pledging of shares



  • 35+ years

    of providing tailor-made financial services

  • 30K+

    satisfied clients including Individuals, corporates, and QIBs

  • 5000 + Cr

    of assets under custody

  • ISO 9001:2015+ ISO 27001

    Certified company with well-defined processes

  • Team of 50+

    Finance professionals including CAs,CSs,CFAs and lawyers

  • 250+

    Partners and APs across the country

Other Products & Services Offered by SKI
  • Equity Equity
  • Fixed Income Fixed Income
  • Derivatives Derivatives
  • Commodities Commodities
  • Mutual Funds Mutual Funds
  • Insurance Insurance
  • Initial Public Offering IPO
  • Merchant Banking Merchant Banking
  • Financial Advisory Financial Advisory
  • Business Insurance Business Insurance